Dare to try, and make your own pants with the fabric you like!

Sewing machine
Cotton fabric with a minimum of 2% elastane (spandex) (in this case I chose a floral print)
Fabric scissors
Invisible Zipper
Free Pattern you can download HERE
* It’s VERY important that you choose a fabric with spandex, it will be much easier to move and it will fit your figure much better than a stiff fabric.

1. Place your fabric folded in half and place the patterns “straight” (with the line that the pattern has parallel to the edge of the fabric).

2. Ensure the pattern with pins and cut with 1 cm margin all around it. (This pattern is a size S-M, if you’re a size XS cuts with no margin, if you are a size L cut with 2cm margin) add 1cm for each size more.
3. Marc the waist darts (tucks) first, before removing the pattern.

4. Sew the tucks and fold towards the center of your back.

5. Sew the sides together. Join front leg with back leg at the sides.
* Finish the edges with an overlock, if you don’t have an overlock simply do a zig-zag with your sewing machine to finish the edges so the fabric doesn’t fray.

* If you’re not quite sure sewing the zipper, sew first by hand with loose stitches to secure it to the fabric so it wont move when sewing with the machine.

7. Sew the inner leg up to the curve. You will have two tubes.
8. Enter one leg in the other leg . And sew the inseam. (from what would be the end of your spine, through the crotch and ending below your navel)
* Before proceeding, you must try the pants to see if you need to sew more in or rectify.

9. In the waistband, iron on a piece of fleece the same size.

10. Pin the waistband mounted on the outside of the pants and sew with 1cm margin.

11. Raise the waistband and fold out. Sew in the same continuity of the zipper to close the waistband.

12. Cut off excess fabric leaving 1cm and fold out. So you have a nice corner.

13. Finally sew all the waistband on junction seam of the waistband to the pants. Then you just have to try on the pants to decide the length and bend the excess fabric inwards and machine or hand sew the hem of your skinny leg pants.

Enjoy your pants! Remember you can keep this pattern for other DIY projects or make several different printed pants.
I hope you enjoyed this tutorial, I know that this sewing tutorial is a more advanced level, but just practicing a bit, you’ll make it DIY’er

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