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Sewing 101 - Beginners Guide to Sewing. Part 1

Sewing 101 - Beginners Guide to Sewing

Today I’m going to start off with the very basics including a short discussion on sewing machines, then talk a bit about the types of tools you need, and end on one of my favorite topics: fabric. My future posts will get into the nitty gritty details of the actual sewing, and we’ll practice your new skills with some fun project tutorials.

Sewing 101 - Beginners Guide to Sewing. Part 2

Sewing 101 - Beginners Guide to Sewing

Did you get your sewing machines out and ready for this week? I know I did. If you missed part 1 from last week go check it out! Now on with lesson and rad coaster tutorial…

Sewing 101 - Beginners Guide to Sewing. Part 3

Beginners Guide to Sewing

 In week one I let you know about all my favorite sewing tools, in week two we were sewing straight lines and corners, and this week is all about curves.

Once you've added sewing curves to your repertoire, you can make things like pockets and necklines and bags…and tissue holders, which we'll make today, after a little bit of curve-sewing practice!

Sewing 101 - Beginners Guide to Sewing. Part 4

Beginners Guide to Sewing

Today is Part 4, the final post of the Sewing 101 Series! There's so much juicy appliqué info in today's lesson that will leave you falling in love with sewing.