…is clearly much more stylish, less embarrassing and fitting for a sewing business that this ugly thing which I have been using up until now…

You will need:
Fabric for outer
Fabric for lining
Embroidery Thread
Coordinating thread
Magnetic fastener
Felt and Bondaweb (if decorating with applique)
Pins and scissors
Ruler and pencil/Tailor’s Chalk
Sewing machine and iron

1. Cut the fabric
Cut a piece of outer and a piece of lining fabric to the following measurements: 13.5cm x 29cm.
2. Decorate (Skip to Step 3 if not decorating)
Place a piece of Bondaweb, glue-side down, onto the felt.

Press until the Bondaweb has stuck to the felt.

Draw the initial or shape onto the paper side of the Bondaweb (remember to draw it backwards). Cut out the shape.

Peel off the paper backing of the Bondaweb leaving the glue layer on the back of the felt.

Place the shape, glue-side down, where you want it to be on the fabric

Press for a few seconds until the shape has stuck.

Sew around the shape – I used a small straight stitch as felt doesn’t fray. However, if you are using fabric instead of felt you may wish to use a zig zag stitch.

3. Join the outer and lining fabrics together.
Place the outer fabric, right-sides together, on top of the lining fabric and pin together.

Starting from the bottom of the case (the long side) and using a 0.5cm seam allowance, sew a straight stitch all around the case stopping about 3cm before you reach your starting point. Stay stitch at the start and end of line of stitches.

Snip all four corners to reduce the bulk of fabric.

Press open the seam allowances around the opening.

Turn the case the right way out through the opening.
Tip: Poke out the corners with a pencil to get them nice and sharp.


4. Decorating.
I like to use a hand running stitch to decorate with embroidery thread but you could use your machine to top stitch the short sides. If following these instructions (so the hand stitching):
Lightly mark with a pencil equal intervals for your stitches along each of the short sides, on the outer fabric.

Using a needle and embroidery thread, hand sew a running stitch along each of the short sides on the outer fabric.

5. Sewing the sides of the case in place.
Fold the case in half, pressing with your fingers to find the centre and create a centre fold.

Open up the case and on the inside (the lining) from the centre fold measure and lightly mark 2cm – this is where your sides are going to fold inwards to.

Fold over each side in towards the centre of the lining, up to the marks you just made in the previous step.

Pin the sides in place.

Starting from the bottom, with the outer fabric facing up, sew all around the case as near to the edge as possible. Make sure to sew your sides in place and sew closed the opening at the bottom of the case (that you used to turn the case the right way out through).

6. Finishing.
Sew each side of the magnetic fastener to each side of the case (on the inside) so they match up when the case is closed.

Well done! Now just fill with your business cards!

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