Chose a fabric
Choose a fabric that meets the end needs of the finished product. This one is a vintage glitter vinyl.

This is my current zipper pouch, I wanted a different one just slightly larger, and therefore I used the current one as a spring board.

After choosing your fabric and deciding your size (Make sure to add seam allowance) given these points, choose a zipper that is longer than the fabric is wide so you can in fact get that zipper pull out of the way.

Add double sided tape to each edge where the zipper shall reside. Seemingly, the 1/8” seems to work best. Some brands are specifically designed for sewing, and I’ve been told they don’t make the needle sticky and gummed up, but if the one you choose does, simply use alcohol prep pads available in any pharmacy. In brief, the alcohol will clean the gummy off nicely (works on finger bandage adhesive, and tape residue on your machine bed as well).
There are two basic ways to clean the needle, one is to open the package and use the enclosed swab, wiping down the needle the other is my lazy way and just remove the thread from the needle and sew right through the package. Warning, sewing through the package may dull the needle, but so will sewing vinyl, PUL, thick layers, thick fabrics never mind, sewing dulls the needle.

On my machine a 4.0 works well.

This fabric is really sticky, so I choose to use paper under the foot. The tissue paper for gift wrapping works really great to say nothing of the fact the day after Christmas the store practically pays you to take it home it’s so cheap! Unless you happen to have a Teflon zipper foot, something is necessary to make that zipper foot slide over the sticky fabrics. So good old fashioned office supply tape works great! A little dab’ll do ya! In a like manner, I’ve heard waxing the bottom of the foot works, but I’ve never tried it.
Remember the stitch length!
As can be seen, increase your stitch length for the top stitching. In addition you can use a decorative or heavy thread. After all, it’s your project! Even with the paper under coupled with the tape on top, I still stitched very slowly not to mention keeping a bit of pressure on the fabric to keep it feeding evenly.

Decisions Decisions: On this blue makeup pouch I decided on 1” as can be seen, it is a convenient measurement on my cutting mat, as shown below.

Tape is my friend.
Again with the tape you say! YES! As a matter of fact, tape is wonderful with these fabrics that can’t be pinned! What also works well is wonder clips, binder clips, hair clips, bulldog clips or potato clips, no wait, that’s potato chips! They don’t work, but I must be hungry! In the long run, anything that pinches will work in a pinch! The pouch was taped to the mat (wrong side out) on one side whilst I made sure the other side was even Steven in the same way.
Sewing pouch shut, be sure zipper is open!
After the two top sides were taped to the mat, next the tape was folded over the top to hold it in place whilst sewing then the zipper was opened most of the way and wonder clips were used to hold the sides shut as shown above.
Remember the stitch length!

Sew up the other side, then trim the excess zipper (you might want to use paper scissors for this, not your good fabric scissors or mom will be mad!) clip the corners next turn right side out and you are finished. Use cheap or paper scissors to cut zipper

Not only slightly taller, and slightly wider, but a nice, clean, pretty zipper! Easy Peasy! (For the most part!)
New compared to old pouch

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