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Sewing Caddy Tutorial

Sewing Caddy Tutorial

This quick and easy caddy is pretty and practical and would be a perfect gift for a quilting friend. Free Sewing Pattern & Tutorial

This 9 x 7 inch caddy is made from two fat quarters (22 x 20inches) and features a pocket for a rotary cutter, an adjacent pocket for 8-inch fabric scissors, a fold back section for pins & needles plus a small matching purse that slips into the middle pocket to take bits & bobs such as thread scissors, thimble, tape etc. This middle pocket can also hold pens and small rulers. The flap is held secure with an elastic loop and button fastening.


    Fat quarter (22in x 20in) of novelty design fabric. (avoid stripes & checks)
    Fat quarter (22in x 20in) of tone on tone contrasting fabric.
    20in x 20in piece of lightweight fusible interfacing
    15cm round elastic for loops
    Two buttons with shank
    Small rectangle of felt 6in x 10in (or similar) for needle case section
    HB Pencil
    Erasable marking pen
    Thread to match fabric
    Iron and ironing board
    Sewing machine
    General sewing supplies

Finished Size

9in x 7in


Copy the paper patterns for the caddy and the purse from the pattern sheet onto the non-adhesive side of the interfacing and cut around the solid lines.

Use a HB pencil for best results.

Carefully cut around the marked line.

Position the interfacing pieces, adhesive side down onto the wrong side of the main design fabric so that there is a space of at least ¼-inch all around. (See diagram below). The selvedge should be down one side edge.

Sewing Caddy Tutorial

Using a dry iron set for cotton, fuse the interfacing onto the wrong side of the fabric.

Tip: When fusing the interfacing onto the fabric use a pressing action to avoid creasing the interfacing.

Do not cut your fabric at this stage. The fabric will be cut after the stitching is in place.

Making The Caddy

Pin the elastic loop to the right side of the fabric so that the cut ends are positioned in the centre of the flap.

Stitch across the elastic through the fabric at the point of the flap to hold loop in place.

Pin the design fabric piece directly on top of the tone on tone fabric piece so that the right sides are together and the loop lies between the two pieces of fabric.

Stitch around the edge of the caddy interfacing leaving a gap at the lower short edge as shown. For best results use a small machine-stitch, length 2 or less. (Figure 1)

Stitch the right hand (long edge) only of purse piece 2.

Cut around the caddy through both layers of fabric leaving a scant ¼ inch from the stitching line but allowing ½-inch at the open edge.

Clip all corners and snip into all angles to avoid bulk. (Figure 2)

Cut out the purse pieces leaving ¼ inch all round.

Turn the caddy inside out through the gap in the stitching.

Use a short knitting needle or wooden chopstick and working from the inside, make sure that all corners are sharp and fully turned.

Press the open seam allowance towards the inside and press flat. Stitch this gap closed either by hand or machine

Press the work, making sure that all seams lie along the edge. (Figure 3)

Mark the four crease lines on the inside (Figure 4)

Tip: It will help if you press all four folds in place then unfold them before you begin stitching the pockets. See illustration (Figure 5)

Unfold all but the first fold.

Measure along the top of this first pocket, 3-inches in from the left hand fold and mark a line down the pocket, tapering to 2-inches from the fold at the lower edge.

Stitch along this marked line. Make sure that both ends of the stitching line are secure. (Figure 6) 

Fold along the second fold line.

Cut the felt insert using the pattern as a guide. Mark the fold line on the felt.

Place the felt on top of the design fabric matching the third fold line in the caddy with the centre fold line on the felt insert.

Stitch in place along this fold line through all layers. (Figure 7)

Begin at the top and stitch down the fold and the front flap and attach the button as shown. Take care not to stitch through the felt.

Sewing Caddy Tutorial

Making the purse

Cut out the purse pieces through both layers leaving ¼-inch all round.

Press the seam on purse section 2 and fold right sides out (Figure 8)

Stitch the elastic loop onto the right side at the design end section of purse 1 (Figure 9)

Place purse piece 2 on top of the design section of purse piece1 with the design fabric on top (Figure 10)

Place the second (plain fabric) piece of purse 1 directly on top with right side down.

Turn the pieces over so that the interfacing is visible on top. (Figure 11)

Stitch around the outside through all layers, close to the edge of the interfacing, leaving a gap on one edge of the flap to turn the piece through.

Clip across all corners to avoid bulk.

Turn the piece through the gap in the stitching.

Use a short knitting needle or wooden chopstick and working from the inside, make sure that all corners are sharp and fully turned.

Press the open seam allowance towards the inside and press flat.

Press the work, making sure that all seams lie along the edge.

Stitch around the top edge of the purse making sure that you close the gap in the stitching. (Figure 12)

Sewing Caddy Tutorial

Attach the button.

Note: you can turn the purse inside out before attaching the button to show the plain fabric on the inside if you wish.

Sewing Caddy Tutorial


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