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Homemade Building Blocks DIY Tutorial

Constructor of a Homemade Modeling Dough
Homemade blocks to make for kids. DIY Tutorial

It all started when I saw designer genuine multicolor stones and so I wanted to have the same for my daughter! And I decided to shape the bricks on my own.

So, you need:
- 1 glass of baking soda
- 1/2 glass of starch
- 3/4 glass of cold water
I made 2 full batches — this was anough for 120 details of small size.
 Pour starch and soda
 Pour water and mix well

 Put the mixture on a medium heat (4 of the 9) and stir constantly until it becomes like mashed potatoes.
 Put the mixture on the table to cool down. Then knead it until it become soft, elastic, non-sticky.

 Now proceed to colouring the mass. Just a couple of crumbs and the mass becomes sufficiently dyed.
 Now the basic moment — model the parts. I sculpted cylinders, rectangles and squares of different size.

Leave it to dry.
IMPORTANT: 1. Leave a small amount of the mass of each color to cover possible cracks after drying.
2. As the upper surface begins to fade — turn the detail to the other side to prevent cracks.
 When the parts are completely dry (which is about 1.5 days), coat the cracks. Sand all rough parts.
 Remova all dust and coat with a protective vaarnish — mat or glossy. Dry.
 While the details are drying, choose and decorate a container for storage.

 Ready! My daughter liked it! It is pleasant to touch, almost like pebbles.

 That's what one can do with it:

Homemade blocks to make for kids. DIY Tutorial

Homemade blocks to make for kids. DIY Tutorial

Homemade blocks to make for kids. DIY Tutorial

Homemade blocks to make for kids. DIY Tutorial

Homemade blocks to make for kids. DIY Tutorial

Homemade blocks to make for kids. DIY Tutorial

Homemade blocks to make for kids. DIY Tutorial

Author:   Apple and apple


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